Coming soon: Western Writers of America author Tom Tatum has completed his NEW WEST SERIES sequel RED ROCK RAID and the UTAH KID. The contemporary western novel picks up in 2023 with the 2021 Adobe Daze novel’s characters Trey Stuart a rancher and M his Apache and Spanish girlfriend. They return to his families legendary YbarC ranch near Telluride Colorado from the Ute Peak ranch near Taos New Mexico featured in the novel ADOBE DAZE after the family sells it. Their exploration of the Red Rock Maze country near Moab Utah takes them on a dangerous adventure of a lifetime after a discovery that would rock the world. Trey’s parents, Cooper and Judy, who saved the YbarC from the local bank in the late 1970’s novel TELLURIDE TOP of the WORLD hand its operations over to him. Trey and M run the YbarC from their newly purchased Star House in the Blue Mountains. Their lives are intertwined with Navajo Joe and the Navajo Nation, the Mormon politics of Utah and the Federal Government. They stumble onto the infamous “Robbers Roost” and the secrets of the Red Rock Country. They ride, play and shoot straight. Their romance under the Blue Mountain’s endless night sky’s stars fills the pages. The novel’s characters and action will fill the TV screens of the future as part of the NEW WEST SERIES.